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Welcome to the wonderful world of Math. Here at IHSNO, we are preparing our students for the global environment. This involves a curriculum that is centered around problem solving and investigation. Each subject that is offered implies students work on projects for each unit. These projects range from using art to create and design transformation to having students run through the fiscal life cycle by finding a school, career, home, and retirement. We are committed to teaching skills that are useful outside of the classroom and really trying to engage our students with subjects that will interest them. Currently, our school offers Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, IB Mathematics, and Probability and Statistics. We pride ourselves on building relationships with our students and are excited that you are part of our community.
Course Offerings:
Pre Algebra I
Algebra I
Algebra I Honors
Algebra II
Probability and Statistics
Computer Science
IB Math Studies I
IB Math Studies II