Marque su calendario para la reuniĂłn del Consejo Asesor Familiar del Director de la Escuela del sábado. Serviremos cafĂ© y donas a las 9 am en el salĂłn comunitario del nuevo campus de IHSNO, 2733 Esplanade Avenue. Ăšnase al Dr. Berger junto con otros padres y tutores para una discusiĂłn abierta para abordar sus necesidades e inquietudes. Su opiniĂłn nos ayudará a construir una IHSNO más fuerte. Esperamos verte ahĂ. Detalles del evento: | Fecha - Sábado 3 de febrero | Hora - 9:00 am | UbicaciĂłn: IHSNO, 2733 Esplanade Avenue

Please mark you calendar for Saturday's Head of School Family Advisory Council meeting. We'll be serving coffee and donuts at 9am in the Community Room on IHSNO's new campus, 2733 Esplanade Avenue. Please join Dr. Berger along with other parents and guardians for an open discussion to address your needs and concerns. Your input will help us build a stronger IHSNO.
We hope to see you there.
Event Details:
| Date - Saturday, February 3
| Time - 9:00 am
| Location - IHSNO, 2733 Esplanade Avenue

Recordatorio: Las clases de mañana miércoles 17 de enero serán virtuales. Por favor, manténgase a salvo y abrigado.

Reminder: Classes tomorrow, Wednesday January 17, will be virtual. Please stay safe and warm.

IHSNO Closed Tuesday, January 16

IHSNO cerrado mañana – martes 16 de enero

La ciudad de Nueva Orleans anunció hoy que activará un plan de congelación en toda la ciudad en anticipación al clima invernal que se espera traiga una helada profunda al área metropolitana de Nueva Orleans del martes al miércoles de la próxima semana. Los administradores de IHSNO están monitoreando activamente las advertencias de congelamiento y otras alertas climáticas.

The City of New Orleans announced today that it will activate a citywide freeze plan in anticipation of winter weather expected to bring a deep freeze to the Greater New Orleans area on Tuesday into Wednesday of next week. IHSNO administrators are actively monitoring for freeze warnings and other weather alerts.

Únase a nosotros el miércoles 10 de enero para obtener más información sobre el programa educativo único de IHSNO.

Join us on Wednesday, January 10 to learn more about IHSNO's unique educational program.

Debido a los fuertes vientos y las condiciones climáticas severas pronosticadas para esta tarde, IHSNO saldrá a los estudiantes a las 12:00 p.m. Se proporcionará un almuerzo para llevar. Todas las actividades extraescolares quedan canceladas. Llame al 504.975.6339 si tiene preguntas o inquietudes.

Due to high winds and severe weather conditions forecast for this afternoon, IHSNO will dismiss students at 12:00pm. A grab and go lunch will be provided. All afterschool activities are cancelled. Call 504.975.6339 with questions or concerns.

We're looking forward to welcoming our Panthers home on Monday, January 8th.
*NOTE* Bus stops are the same, but PICK-UP TIMES MAY HAVE CHANGED. Please check the PARENT/TRANSPORTATION section of the website for updated schedules.

We start 2024 excited for the hope and promise of our new location on Esplanade Ridge. The new building is not just a change of address; it's an opportunity for growth and fresh beginnings. We look forward to welcoming students to our new campus at 2733 Esplanade Avenue on Monday, January 8.

IHSNO is moving to Esplanade Ridge.

Just one more day in our home Downtown! Thank you to the Downtown Development District, Rouses, Leni's, and the numerous coffeeshops, restaurants, and businesses that have supported our faculty, staff, and students over the last 13 years! We will miss you! #DowntownNOLA

Changes are coming to 2733 Esplanade Avenue...

Another day closer...

Every day is a little closer...

We're excited to be counting down the days til our move to MidCity!